A downloadable project

BudgIT is a mobile application designed to help users track their expenses efficiently all within one app instead of multiple online banking apps.

The project was built and tested primarily on an iOS device. However, it's worth noting that after building the .apk file and running it natively on an Android device, some inconsistencies have been observed. Certain styles may appear off, and there are platform-specific considerations that need attention for optimal performance on Android devices.

Please check the resources attached below! 👇🏻

Project Resources

APK Build:


Mockup Store Page:


Adobe XD Prototype: 


Expo Go Demo:

New GitHub Repository (Post Expo Migration):


Old GitHub Repository (Pre Expo Migration):



budgit_expense_tracker_expo.apk 61 MB

Install instructions

How to install

Download the .apk file and install it on your Android device.

Alternatively, you can run the development environment by cloning the GitHub Repository and installing the necessary npm dependencies.

$ git clone https://github.com/iwwan-01/expense-tracker-expo && cd expense-tracker-expo
$ npm install
$ npm run web